IN exercise of the powers conferred by paragraphs 1, 3 and 8 of Schedule 4A to the Income Tax Act 1967 [Act 53], the Minister makes the following order:


Citation and commencement


1.   (1)  This order may be cited as the Income Tax (Approved Agricultural Projects) Order 2002.


(2)  This Order shall be deemed to have effect from the year of assessment 1989 in respect of an agricultural project listed under items 1 and 2 in column (1) of the First Schedule.


(3)  This Order shall be deemed to have effect from the year of assessment 1999 in respect of an agricultural project under item 3 in column (1) of the First Schedule.


(4)  This Order shall have effect from the year of assessment 2002 in respect of an agricultural project listed under items 4 to 16 in column (1) of the First Schedule.



Approved agricultural projects


2.   (1)  The projects listed in column (1) of the First Schedule are the agricultural projects approved by the Minister for the purposes of Schedule 4A.


(2)  The species of crop relating to the approved agricultural project under item 3 in column (1) of the First Schedule are listed in column (1)of the Second Schedule.



Stipulated period and commencement of the period


3.     (1)  The period in relation to an approved agricultural project under items 1 and 2 and items 4 to 16 in column (1) of the First Schedule is stipulated in column (2) of the First Schedule and the stipulated period shall commence from

the date of commencement of the business consisting of the carrying on of that project.


(2)  The period in relation to each specie of crop listed in column (1) of the Second Schedule of an approved agricultural project under item 3 in column (1) of the First Schedule is stipulated in column (2) of the Second Schedule

and the sipulated period shall commence from the date of commencement of the business consisting of the carrying on of that project.


Minimum hectarage


4.   (1)  The minimum hectarage in relation to an approved agricultural project under items 1 and 2 and items 4 to 16 in column (1) of the First Schedule is stipulated in column (3) of the First Schedule.


(2)  The minimum hectarage in relation to each specie of crop listed in column (1) of the Second Schedule of an approved agricultural project under item 3 in column (1)of the First Schedule is stipulated in column (3) of the

First Schedule.





5.   The Income Tax (Approved Agricultural Projects)Order 1989 [P.U.(A) 296/89 ]published in the Gazette on 5 October 1989 is revoked.




                    (1)                                                   (2)                                                (3)

               Project                                              Period                                        Minimum


1.         Cultivation of crops:              

Papaya                                                 1 year                                      40 hectarage

Banana                                                1 year                                      40 hectarage

Passion-fruit                                        1 year                                      40 hectarage

Star-fruit                                             2 years                                       8 hectarage

Guava                                                  2 years                                       8 hectarage

Mangosteen                                         7 years                                       8 hectarage


2.         Floriculture                                          2 years                                       8 hectarage

(plants, bulbs, tubers and roots

with or without flowers or flower

buds, of the kind specified in

Chapter 6 of the Custom Duties

Order 1988 [P.U. (A) 347/88],

which are suitable for planting

or ornamental use excluding:


(a)  mushroom spawn;


(b)  budded or seedling rubber



(c)  rubber bud wood)


3.         Forest plantation project                     6 to 50                                     50 hectarage



on the

type of



in the




4.         Cultivation of vegetables, tubers,       3 years                                     40 hectarage

roots, herbs, spices,crops for animal

feed and hydroponic based products


5.         Ornamental fish culture-open                         2 years                                     5 hectarage

system(land/concrete pond)


6          Ornamental fish culture-open            2 years                                     0.25 hectarage



7.         Pond culture-fish and prawns                         2 years                                     20 hectarage

(brackish water/fresh water)


8.         Tank culture-fish                                 2 years                                     1 hectarage

(brackish water/fresh water)


9.         Offshore-marine cage culture                         2 years                                     0.5 hectarage



10.       Marine cage culture-fish                      2 years                                    0.5 hectarage

brackish-water/fresh water)


11.       Cockle culture                                    1 year                                      10 hectarage


12.       Mussel and oyster culture                   2 years                                     0.5 hectarage


13.       Seaweed culture                                  1 year                                      5 hectarage


14.       Shrimp hatchery                                  2 years                                     0.25 hectarage


15.       Prawn hatchery                                   2 years                                     0.25 hectarage


16.       Fish hatchery (sea water/                    2 years                                     0.5 hectarage

brackish water/fresh water)





   (1)                                                                                (2)

Specie                                                                          Period


1.         Bamboo poring (Gigantochloa levis)                                      6 years

2.         Rotan (Calamus)                                                                     8 years

3.         Acacia (Acacia)                                                                       15 years

4.         Kelempayan (Anthocephalus)                                                 15 years

5.         Kapok (Ceiba)                                                                                    15 years

6.         Sawih (Duabanga)                                                                  15 years

7.         Sesendok (Endospernum)                                                       15 years

8.         Mahang (Macaranga)                                                             15 years

9.         Balik angin (Mallotus)                                                             15 years

10.       Binuang (Octomeles)                                                              15 years

11.       Batai/kayu macis (Raserianthes (Albizia))                              15 years

12.       Sungkai (Peromina canescens)                                               15 years

13.       Bayor (Pterospermum stafianum)                                           15 years

14.       Damar minyak/Bindang (Agathis)                                          25 years

15.       Pulai (Alstonia)                                                                        25 years

16.       Hoop pine/Klinki pine (Araucaria)                                         25 years

17.       Cempedak/Terap (Artocarpus)                                                25 years

18.       Sentang/Ranggu (Azadirachta)                                                           25 years

19.       Javan cedar (Bischofia)                                                           25 years

20.       Terentang (Camnosperma)                                                     25 years

21.       Pokok teja (Cinnamomum)                                                     25 years

22.       Geronggang (Cratoxylon)                                                       25 years

23.       Sempilor (Dacrydium)                                                                        25 years

24.       Simpoh (Dillenia)                                                                    25 years

25.       Jelutong (Dyera)                                                                     25 years

26.       Terbulan (Endospermum)                                                       25 years

27.       Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus)                                                         25 years

28.       Yemane (Gmelina)                                                                  25 years

29.       Rubber (Hevea)                                                                       25 years

30.       Khaya (Khaya)                                                                        25 years

31.       Kerdam (Ilex)                                                                          25 years

32.       Machang (Mangifera)                                                             25 years

33.       Nyatoh (Palaquium)                                                               25 years

34.       Petai (Parkia)                                                                          25 years

35.       Pine (Pinus)                                                                             25 years

36.       Angsana (Pterocarpus)                                                           25 years

37.       Melembu (Pterocymbium)                                                      25 years

38.       Bayor Batu (Petrospermum javanicum)                                 25 years

39.       Kedondong (Santiria)                                                             25 years

40.       Gegatal (Schima)                                                                    25 years

41.       Kelampu (Sandoricum)                                                           25 years

42.       Mahogany (Swietenia)                                                                        25 years

43.       Teak/Kayu Jati (Tectona)                                                        25 years

44.       Talisai (Terminalia)                                                                 25 years

45.       Mersawa (Anisoptera)                                                             50 years

46.       Bintangor (Anisoptera Cylophyllum)                                      50 years

47.       Kenanga (Canaga)                                                                  50 years

48.       Kedondong (Canarium)                                                         50 years

49.       Ru (Casuarina)                                                                       50 years

50.       Surian batu (Chukrasia)                                                          50 years

51.       Punggai (Coelostegia)                                                             50 years

52.       Jongkong (Dactylocladus)                                                      50 years

53.       Keruing (Dipterocarpus)                                                         50 years

54.       Kapur (Dryobalanops)                                                                        50 years

55.       Durian (Durio)                                                                                    50 years

56.       Belian (Durio Eusideroxylon zwageri)                                                50 years

57.       Ramin (Gonystylus)                                                                 50 years

58.       Mengkulang (Heritiera)                                                          50 years

59.       Merawan (Hopea)                                                                   50 years

60.       Merbau (Instia)                                                                        50 years

61.       Mata ulat (Kokoona)                                                               50 years

62.       Kempas (K .Koompassia)                                                       50 years

63.       Chengal (Neobalanocarpus)                                                   50 years

64.       Urat mata/Gerutu (Parashorea)                                              50 years

65.       Melunak (Pentace)                                                                  50 years

66.       Pelon (Pentaspadon)                                                               50 years

67.       Kungkur (Pithecellobium)                                                       50 years

68.       Teluto (Pterocymbium javanicum)                                          50 years

69.       Sentul (Sandoricum)                                                               50 years

70.       Kembang semangkok (Scapium)                                            50 years

71.       Sepetir (Scapium sindora)                                                       50 years

72.       Meranti/Engkabang/Majau/Seroya (Shorea)                           50 years

73.       Punah (Tetramerista)                                                              50 years

74.       Surian (Toona)                                                                                    50 years

75.       Resak (Vatica)                                                                         50 years


Made 24 January 2002.

[Perb.0.3865/230 Vol.3 (sk1); LHDN.01/35/(S)/51/231-2;PN(PU2)80/XXXI]


On behalf and in the name of the Minister of Finance,


Deputy Minister of Finance


[To be laid before the Dewan Rakyat pursuant to subsection 154(2) of the Income Tax Act 1967]

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